Friday, 10 June 2016


By Elder Thomas Olonde

GRACE is the unmerited favor of God or we can define it using its acronym. God Reaching Us at Christ Expense.

Jesus gave a parable in the midst of the murmuring of the Pharisees and the scribes.
He gives them the reason why he received and accept the publican and the sinners.
A parable in the essence is an earthly story with the heavenly meaning.
 In the both the parables Jesus adores the fact that God is pleased with the conversion of the sinners by power of the sufficient grace. How he is ready to receive andentertain such upon their repentance. He demonstrates the magnitude of God's grace for those who repents.

In the parable God is presented as A COMMON FATHER TO ALL MANKIND TO THE FAMILY OF ADAM.
We all have one father, the creator of all.
 Malachi 2:11"Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us?"
And in him we live and have our being we exist from him and for him.

Col 1:16" For by him were all things created that are in heaven andearth, visible andinvisible whether they be  thrones or dominions or principalities or power : all thing were created by him and for him. "

Our lord here reminds the proud Pharisees that these publication and sinners whom they despise were their brethren andpartakers of the same nature. Therefore they should  and a ought to be glad when they are shown mercy and  kindness. For God is God  not only  to the Jews  but also  to the Gentiles  Roman  3:29.The same lord over all that is rich in mercy to all that call upon his name.

The parable also represents
He had two son, one is solid grave youth reserved , and sober but not good humored  to those around  him .This one hears and adheres to his instructions and want to stay around  him.
While the other son is impatient roving and willing  to try his fortune.
One that dares to stay away and want to stay away and enjoy life on his own

The first son represent the Jews in General, particularly, the Pharisees and the scribes.
Jesus has endeavored to make them understand how God's favor works.
The younger son presents the publican andsinners and the Gentiles whom he was trying to bring to repentance.

The prodigal son's character is designed to represent the natural state of a sinner.
He went and begged his father to give him what belonged to him and after it was given to him, he journeyed to a far away country where he spent extravagantly.
His attitude towards his father shows one who thinks his father owed him his wealth. Therefore he wanted what belonged to him. He looked at his father as a debtor, that is why he needed a portion of goods the falleth to him.

He gives us his grace freely as a gift of his love. The gift of life he has given to us shouldn't be treated as a gift due to us. This man didn’t ask for a apart of it, but all his part share.
He wanted to manage his own gift which is his life, and he thought going far away will help him or give him the freedom to manage his life as he wanted

The problem with sinners is  that they only look at the things that are seen but the things that ruin them is that they always  want their  portion in their hands.
let look at what  sinners think and do.

The young man was weary of his fathers’ government and of his good discipline and order in his family and he craved for liberty
A.     He was willing to set away from his father watch: shyness of God and willingness to disbelieve his omniscience is the desire of the wicked people. We find it difficult  to believe that God knows  everything  and that  our future  is in his hand.
B.     He was disrespectful of his fathers’ management that is why he asked for what belonged
C.     He was proud of himself; he thought that he was a better manager than his father and may be could bring a better income. Pride comes before a fall

We see here the kind of God we serve
-          He is a kind father who means well for his children
a)     He gives them grace and free will to choose
b)     He gives them free gift of life and breathe
c)      He is kind to even the evil and unthankful. He makes the sun to shine on both and make the rain to do the same for both.
d)     He divided to them as the prodigal  son requested .God the Father has divided  a gift of life to everyone.
e)      God has given us life in order that we may have the capacity to serve and glorify Him

Three facts of life in respect  to this study.
1) we cannot  afford  to stay away from our father's presence  in in one moment, without him we will fail and life will be miserable.
2)We need the fatherly support  and protection on  a daily  basis.
3)Without  the father's  intervention  we are doomed  and lost and to say the least dead in our trespasses.

Let’s look at how we spend our life when we asked to manage it
-          It didn’t take long before he turned to be a beggar having spent his wealth as fast as he could. If God leaves us just for a moment to manage ourselves When God takes His grace off from us we will soon be gone
-          Sinners who are determined to go away from God’s protection to so called freedom usually gather everything all together mostly  they always  want go away  in far country where none can notice who they and where they come from.
-          Brethren  we have all come from the father and  with him we must stay put because we are safer and protected under his care.

-          These conditions of the prodigal son represent a sinful state

-          It is a miserable state into which man has fallen

1.       It is a sinful state to departure and distance oneself from God

It’s a state of running, revolting or rebellion from God. The sinners run away far and beyond end in the country of sin and take their residence and found home and they begin to serve and enjoy and spend all in their life in a miserable way from God the giver of life.

2.      A sinful state is a spending state
He wasted his substance with Verse 13 – 20 devoured it with harlots and all the of  life

3.      A sinful state is a wanting state V. 14
Remember willful waste brings woeful wants. He has thrown away mercy, his desire of God, his interest in Christ is has completely diminished. He is alone and lonely.
The striving of the spirit and admonition of the conscience. They have given away all these for pleasure or sense and of the wealth of the world and  are  ready to perish for their wants of them
In this state God’s favor and blessings is not experienced, they are miserable without hope. The challenge is that sinners bring themselves into this condition and keep themselves in it by refusing the grace of God that can be attained by faith in repentance.

4.      A sinful state is a state of slavery V.15 now he begins to work the most horrible  jobs of the Jew.
A) taking of  care of swine would  be the least that a  Jewish  would do before  he dies.
5.      A sinful state is a state of perpetual dissatisfaction
He never got satisfied; he was not comfortable eating swine feed V.16,he was not fed anything  he was hungry  and could  get his need for food satisfied

6.      A sinful state is a state of not expecting any relief from any creature. Nobody gave him anything to eat

7.      A sinful state is a state of death

8.     A sinful state is a lost state. V.24

9.      A sinful state is a state of madness and frenzy V.17
Having no sense of why he left his father.
Lastly he came to his senses and realized what his father own, the servants and the animals and the food.he said 17 how many hired servants of my father's  have bread enough to spare and I perish  with hunger!
18  I will arise  and go to  my father  and I will say unto him,Father I have sinned  against  heaven  and before thee.19 and am no more  worthy to be called thy son: make me one of your hired servants.
Am not worthy, and make make one of your hired servants.
 God is happy  when you take the responsibility  of sin committed, whether be of commission  or omissions.
In other words am in your hand ,do with me what you do with  poor sinners but my request  is that I rather be your hired servant. I have messed up my relationship and am rotten without any worth, have mercy on me.